Best-selling author, coach, and product management expert Jeff Gothelf joins us Tuesday January 16, 2024 at 12PM ET/9AM PT/5PM GMT for a conversation about how Agile and design can work together better, the emerging role of AI in product design, and how OKRs keep us pointed in the right direction when done right.
About Jeff Gothelf
Jeff helps organizations build better products and executives build the cultures that build better products. He is the co-author of the award-winning book Lean UX (now in it’s 3rd edition) and the Harvard Business Review Press book Sense & Respond.
Starting off as a software designer, Jeff now works as a coach, consultant and keynote speaker helping companies bridge the gaps between business agility, digital transformation, product management and human-centred design.
His most recent book, Forever Employable, was published in June 2020.