Scott Berkun, a recent guest on Design Better, wants to help you realize your potential as a designer by pulling back the veil of how politics and power work in big organizations. His new book, Why Design is Hard, looks at how designers can learn to navigate organizational power structures and gain more influence over decisions that affect their work, how the myth of the “design hero” shapes young designers entering the field, and why design schools often fail to prepare students for the real-world dynamics of organizational culture and power.
Join us for a chat with Scott about how to be more effective in your work.
When: January 28th, 2025
About Scott Berkun
Scott Berkun is a bestselling author and popular speaker on UX design, innovation, leading teams, public speaking and other subjects. He’s published nine books, including How Design Makes The World, The Myths of Innovation, Confessions of a Public Speaker, and The Year Without Pants. His work has appeared in The New York Times, The Washington Post, Forbes, The Wall Street Journal, The Economist, The Guardian, Wired magazine, USA Today, Fast Company, National Public Radio, CNN, NPR, MSNBC and other media. His popular blog is at and he tweets at @berkun.
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